Interview with Ezequiel Navarro, president of Innova IRV, in Atlas Tecnológico

The Ricardo Valle Innovation Institute Foundation (INNOVA IRV) was created with the aim of becoming a center for applied research and innovation, focused on microelectronics, digital technologies and circular economy.
In this interview, Ezequiel Navarro, president of Innova IRV, talks with Atlas Tecnológico’s innovation analyst, Eugenio Mallol, about the vision and objectives of the Ricardo Valle de Innovación Institute.
“We have a tremendous technological dependence and it is key to have a minimum technological development capacity in the country to be able to scale it and create value” says Ezequiel Navarro about the innovation model based on entrepreneurship.
“It’s about taking science and applying it to develop products and services that have a market outlet, trying to take advantage of all the available resources at our disposal and filling in those that are missing”.