Innova IRV and its collaborating companies and entities participate in the 2024 edition of Transfiere

Transfiere, European Forum for Science, Technology and Innovation, has gathered, in its 13th edition held at the Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga (FYCMA), a large part of the innovation ecosystem under the slogan ‘Transfiere Tracciona’, with more than 4,500 professionals.
In this event, the Ricardo Valle Institute of Innovation Foundation (Innova IRV) has mobilized the participation of its partner companies and entities, with a central space in which it has given visibility to the strategic projects and initiatives in which it is working. In this space were present AMETIC, which presented the image of the Ricardo Valle Innovation Institutes Network, Eurecat, through the joint innovation unit Eurecat-Innova IRV, and the company Innova IRV Microelectronics, which showed the RiscCom and Dkulpiot projects.

Also part of this space were the companies CELESTIA | TST, WIMMIC, TOPdigital Group, Vodafone, Accenture, Dekra, Tupl, Premo and Unicaja, among others, which showed different innovative initiatives in the field of microelectronics, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and advanced communications.

In addition, during the Forum the IA System project for the automatic management of green areas was presented, in which Innova IRV collaborates with Smart City Cluster, Tupl, Cordis SUITE and the University of Malaga, which showed the MAPIR UMA robot to monitor green areas and efficiently manage water consumption. This project is funded by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, under the AEI program, through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the European Union.

Two round tables organized by Innova IRV were held within this framework. The first panel “Leadership opportunities in European data-driven innovation spaces” was moderated by Luis Fernando Álvarez-Gascón, General Manager Secure e-Solutions of GMV, with the participation of Toni De La Prieta Antoli, ATC EMEA South Lead of Accenture; Alberto Palomo, ex-CDO of the Spanish government; Enrique Serrano Montes, CEO of Tinámica and President of AMETIC’s AI and Big Data Commission; Alejandro Javier Tosina González, Director of Consultancy and Innovation at Grant Thornton Spain and Paula Ruiz Hernández, Director of R&D and Sustainability at TROPS.

The second, “Elements for Europe’s open technological sovereignty in microelectronics”, was moderated by Pedro Mier, President of AMETIC and was attended by Ilan Spillinger, CTO and executive VP of imec; Jaime Martorell, Commissioner of the Spanish Government for PERTE of Semiconductors; Mayte Bacete, Site Director at MaxLinear Hispania; Mario Nemirovsky, CTO of Innova IRV Microelectronics and Xavier Gómez Aparicio, Head Digital Transformation for Next Generation of FI Group.

On the second day of the Forum, Innova IRV held a MeetUp of International Collaborators and Experts of Innova IRV where they shared the strategic initiatives and use cases that are being projected from the Foundation, also unveiling new strategic partnerships such as the one launched with the technology center Eurecat and the Army Logistics Base.
Together with the TOPdigital Business Group, a round table on ‘Talent, Education and Business’ was also organized with the participation of Enrique Marquez, Vice Rector of Transfer, Business and Digital Transformation of the University of Malaga, Juan Carlos Amaya, Professor FP IES Alan Turing, Manuel Illanes, CTO TOPdigital Group, Mario Nemirosky, CSO Innova IRV and Jose Antonio Berdugo, HR director TOPdigital Group.

As part of the event GMV’s general manager of Secure e-Solutions, Luis Fernando Álvarez Gascón, and Innova IRV’s general manager, José Manuel Leceta, signed a collaboration agreement to strengthen and promote mutual cooperation in technological innovation and development, pooling their knowledge and experience.