The Ricardo Valle Foundation and the CDTI bring public funding opportunities for innovative companies

The Ricardo Valle Institute of Innovation Foundation (Innova IRV) celebrated the INNO-DAY event on 12 July, which was held in Málaga TechPark, more specifically in the BIC Euronova facilities (European Centre of Companies and Innovation in Málaga). The event was attended by more than 50 companies, researchers, experts and institutions that are part of the national innovation ecosystem.
The welcoming speech was given by José Manuel Leceta, general director of Innova IRV, in which he highlighted that “this event, which is the second that Innova IRV organises this year, aims to activate the innovation community and connect with the national and international ecosystems of companies, entrepreneurs, researchers and experts that can be accelerated with the CDTI’s support.”

The event started with the congress called “Support and growth of technology companies”, where Javier Ponce, general manager of the CDTI, presented new instruments and public aids for business and innovation in the fields of R&D, such as the Innvierte funding or the TransMisiones 2023 initiative, which is coordinated by the CDTI and by the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) and will allocate €130 million to subsidise R&D projects in order to promote the public-private collaboration in R&D&I.

The participants showed great interest in both programs, which are considered new solutions to the challenges that the European Union is facing to move towards a digital, eco-friendly and inclusive transformation. Enabling technologies play an essential role.
Then, a round table conference was held where they tackled topics such as the circular economy, cybersecurity and connected vehicles. Rafael Sánchez, vice president of Circular Economy at Innova IRV and general manager of Endesa in Andalusia and Extremadura, Patricia Galán, co-founder and CEO of Tamiza and Juan Carlos Mora, vice president of Connectivity at DEKRA, participated in this round table conference.
The chairman of the debate was Federico Flórez, former managing director of Ferrovial and winner of the CIO Awards of Innovation in 2016 by the Forbes magazine. Moreover, he has a broad experience in sustainable information and innovation systems.

The INNO-DAY events are supported by AMETIC so that they become a recurring event to shape new ideas and projects in Innova IRV’S areas of work. In March, they tackled topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0 and Food Tech. A third INNO-DAY event will take place in October, focusing on topics like Health, Advanced Communications and Systems, thus boosting the fields on which the Foundation works, together with Microelectronics.