Innova IRV gives a positive assessment on the first half of the year with new projects and members

The Ricardo Valle Institute of Innovation Foundation (Innova IRV) held a meeting with its Board on 13 June at the Trade Fairs and Congress Centre of Málaga. The meeting was also attended by Francisco de la Torre—Málaga’s mayor—and by Ezequiel Navarro—president of Innova IRV—, among other authorities, employers and collaborators.
Innova IRV presented the foundation’s progress in the first half of the year, emphasising the recent announcement of the DKULPIOT project (Design Kit Ultra Low Power Internet Of Things) by the European Commission, predicting an investment of more than €120 million, which is borne by the company Innova IRV Microelectronics Ltd., owned by the Foundation.
Furthermore, the Foundation’s management team assessed the projects carried out, such as CENIT, whose aim was to optimise energy communities with Artificial Intelligence, or the 5GVEC project, which will boost the development of 5G solutions for connected driving in Spain. Moreover, the Foundation’s Board was informed of the implementation of commissions and working groups in all areas of activity of the Foundation, ranging from microelectronics, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity to advanced communications, industry 4.0, foodtech, connected vehicle, health, circular economy, and so on and so forth.
Lastly, the Foundation announced its new collaborating entities: the companies Anovo and Atarfil, the Eurecat Technology Centre, Smart City Cluster and the public company of Tourism and Sport Management of Andalusia, in addition to those that already were part of Innova IRV’s collaborating entities: Accenture, Aeorum, Aertec, Agencia Digital de Andalucía (Digital Agency of Andalusia), Ametic, Bic Euronova, Dekra, Diputación de Málaga (Málaga Provincial Council), Endesa, Ericsson, Esesa, Famadesa, Google, Málaga TechPark, Orange, Premo, Simón, Tinámica, Top Digital, Trops, Tupl, University of Granada, University of Málaga, Unicaja, University of Seville, Vodafone, Telefónica, CSG Ingeniería, Iturri and Smart Health TV Solution.
Ezequiel Navarro, president of Innova IRV, highlighted the fact that, in the first half of the year, the Foundation submitted project proposals to public calls, whose worth is more than €2.4 million. Were these project proposals approved, they would almost double the funds raised in the previous financial year.
Furthermore, he pointed out that the commissions and the working groups of Innova IRV are already mobilising more than 150 interested companies, thus resulting in new collaborators, projects and companies.
At the meeting, the Board approved the annual accounts from the 2022 financial year, as well as the management carried out by the Executive Committee in the aforementioned financial year, thereby providing it with resources for boosting the attraction of new collaborators and start-ups to the Foundation.