Innova IRV closes its first year with 11 projects involving an investment of more than 400 million euros

The Ricardo Valle Innovation Institute Foundation (Innova IRV) has gathered today, in the facilities of the Málaga Tech Park, the institutions and companies that make up its board of trustees, where it presented its annual balance sheet.
In its first year of life, Innova IRV has presented 11 innovation projects that will involve an investment of more than 400 million euros. These projects are distributed among the different areas of work that make up the Foundation and include Microelectronics, Artificial Intelligence, 5G, Cybersecurity, Connected Vehicles, Aerospace Systems, Digital Health, Circular Economy, Food Tech and Industry 4.0.

The Foundation has also announced the incorporation of Telefónica, CSG Ingeniería, Iturri and Smart Health as collaborating entities, joining others that were already parts of it such as Accenture, Aeorum, Aertec, Ametic, Bic Euronova, Dekra, Diputación de Málaga, Endesa, Ericsson, Esesa, Famadesa, Google, Málaga Tech Park, Orange, Premo, Simón, Tinámica, Top Digital, Trops, Tupl, University of Granada, University of Málaga, Unicaja, University of Seville and Vodafone.

In addition, Innova IRV’s collaborating entities have presented more than 60 innovation projects this year, which are currently being analysed and will be developed over the coming months.
In this sense, Ezequiel Navarro, president of Innova IRV, stressed that in its first year of life the Foundation has managed to bring together the most cutting-edge institutions and companies in the field of technological innovation, with top-level experts in each of the areas of work, ‘which has allowed us to launch more than 60 projects and position ourselves as a pole of attraction for talent and European funds.’
The Foundation also wished to pay tribute during the celebration of its Board of Trustees to the figure of Ricardo Valle, professor and expert in electromagnetism from Málaga, after whom the Foundation is named, and whose innovative and transforming spirit has inspired the creation of the Foundation.
In gratitude, the Board of Trustees, and on his behalf the President of the Foundation, Ezequiel Navarro, presented a plaque in homage to him, which was collected by his family.